Online Courses

Prices are per person for individual licenses. Please inquire for bulk purchase options. Scholarships available upon request in selected cases.

Business for Peace
499 €
Target audience: Companies that want to do good.
Personal development for inner peace
99 €
Target audience: Individuals interested in personal development and achieving goals.
How to save the world
99 €
Target audience: Individuals who want to do good.
Me – A Scientist?
99 €
Target audience: The general public wishing to learn the basics of scientific thinking.
Business – A Force for Good
99 €
Target audience: The general public wishing to learn how business can be a force for good.
Bisnes maailmanparantajana
99 €
Kohderyhmä: Lukiolaiset, opiskelijat ja uranvaihtajat

Scholarships available upon request in selected cases.