
We publish our latest news, upcoming events, and special offers

June 4, 2024
Let's talk about peace! I'm invited to the Tuesday Talks on Instagram by Zishan on Tuesday, June 4, 3pm Finnish time. Welcome! My Instagram account is @tilmanbauer
April 15, 2024
The waiting list for the upcoming 30-day Peace Challenge is now open! The price will probably be around 40€. Send us a message if you're interested.
January 1, 2024
The book Business for Peace: A New Paradigm for Making a Collective Living is out now! Contact us for purchasing options.
November 24, 2023
Tilman Bauer successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on "Business for Peace: A New Paradigm for Making a Collective Living" in a public defense at Aalto University School of Business. The recording of the lectio praecursoria and the ensuing discussion is available here:
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